Thursday, April 29, 2010

Dating Tricks For Ladies

In the contemporary times the concept of dating has taken the virtual road. No wonder a lot of folk are interested in this online dating game. Online dating is one of the most preferred platforms for meeting the proper individual. Nevertheless, this doesn't suggest that this avenue is entirely danger free. It features its own share of risks and hassles. There is a great possibility that the individual you are dating via the internet medium is a fraud or a cheater. Do not worry as you can still cut back the possibility of such events by maintaining some points in brain. Let's shed some light on the same.

Select a dating site that matches your needs 'n requirements. This is the 1st and foremost thing that you must do. There are diverse sites that cater to distinct sort of requirements. For instance, there are websites that are directed at only offering casual dating services. On the contrary, there are other websites that provide a lot more categorical dating services centered on your needs and pursuits.

Security is something that all women should be intensely wary of when dating over the internet. Not every male you meet in the chatting room would be decent enough. Never give away your personal information readily as they may be misused. Even if you seem to have discovered the perfect someone over the internet, make sure that you do not accept to meet him till the time you are fully certain.

Stay clear of very intimate chats or interactions with sexual undertones. While you can commence feeling closer to a guy you've been chatting with over a period of time, this kind of chat ought to be strictly desisted from. Initiating or replying to these sort of chats could make you seem shallow 'n also disrupt your odds of forging a real bond. Using sexual undertones in your conversation may aid you land dates, but it will certainly not support you discover a durable relationship.

The golden and the most essential principle that you ought to comply with when you are dating online is to emit confidence. You're not going to attract good males if you're not assured enough. Your confidence degrees ought to be clear from the conversations you are attempting to make. Ensure that you keep up this confidence even when you meet the guy in person.

Last but not the least, be respectful. Irrespective of what the circumstance might be, try not to be rude or offensive to anyone. Even if you are not interested in anyone, turn them down in a polite fashion. And if the individual persists, you can go ahead 'n block them but stay clear of being disrespectful.

The formerly discussed ideas are not the sure shot means to help you get your soul mate. However, with the aid of these points you could surely steer clear of the unwanted risks 'n problems and could subsequently make the dating game simple for you.

Is It Any Wonder I Love You?

Is it any wonder I love you?
You are the air I breathe
The wind singing in my ear
The moonlight kissing the sea
The star that shines on my path
The very essence of perfection

Is it any wonder I love you?
You are my sun, the light that fuels my soul
The fire that warms my heart
The flame that can never grow cold
My dear, the one I never have to doubt
My love, the one I've always wanted

Is it any wonder I love you so much?
You are my everything, my every reason to love!

Monday, April 26, 2010

Sex Mistakes - 5 Things Girls Should Never Do in Bed

I know that the common myth about men is that nothing affects them while they are in bed with a woman but while that may be mostly true there are some things that will make him wonder what the heck is going on.

Avoid these 5 sex mistakes when in bed with a guy.

1. Calling him by another guys name.

He wants to know that it's him turning you on and that it's not Steve or John, who he probably knows, doing all the dirty work.

2. Acting like the girls in porno's do.

Yes it's fun to watch a porn movie and see the girls screaming and over exaggerating the whole thing but in bed it's a different story. If you start quoting some cheesy lines from a movie you watched then he's going to wonder if you are actually enjoying the experience or just trying to make him think you are enjoying it.

3. Nothing.

It can be easy to get caught up in the whole experience and lay back motionless to enjoy what is being done to you but when you lay there doing nothing it sends a message that you are not really into it. Unless you are tied up and immobile than you should be moving around a little bit and making some sort of noise to let him know that you are digging what he's doing.

4. Talk about your day - or anything other than sex.

Sounds silly right? Then why do we do it? Because our mind is wandering all over the place and we want to express what we are thinking about. It's in our nature. But we need to live in the moment when we are having sex because we should be getting the most enjoyment we can out of it. So if your mind wanders to the conversation you had earlier then gently nudge it back to focusing on what's going on in the moment. You'll have a better time and he'll feel better knowing you are totally involved.

5. Trying to make our body look perfect.

Striking a pose in bed while you are on top of him to make yourself look sexy or making sure that your back is arched just perfect to show off your best look is a waste of time. You're having sex! Loosen up and enjoy it. He has seen your body when you are not in that perfect pose and he obviously is liking it because you are in bed together so just trust that your body is turning him on and enjoy the sex.

Avoid these common mistakes and you'll find a new heightened pleasure in sex that you never knew existed.

Monday, April 19, 2010

How to Easily Get a Guy's Attention? Get This Right and He Will Be Super Intrigued

So you found a guy that really does it for you, but you just don't know how to get his attention. Take a few tips from the list below, and see what they do for you.

Dress up a little. Men are intrigued by a well put together woman. Let him see you in different ways. Switch up your wardrobe and see if he notices. Find clothes that make you look and feel good, and ones that flatter your particular figure.

Make eye contact. Guys need to know you're interested in them to really pay attention to you. If you seem uninterested, then they will move on. One of the surest ways to get his attention is to catch his eyes. Make eye contact and often. Let him know you've noticed him and are interested enough to really pay attention. He'll pay attention right back.

Smile. Don't make him think you look at him for the wrong reasons. Make sure he knows he's not just a curiosity, but something you find pleasing. When you see him, smile. He will take it as a sign, and will pay attention to you.

Get to know his friends. If the two of you know people in common, it makes it much easier to get his attention. If you talk to his friends, he'll have even more reason to pay attention to you, especially if what they say about you is good.

Start a conversation with him. If he doesn't seem to have the confidence to approach you, then you need to go to him. Get him to talk. If he has a good time talking, then he'll be more likely to pay attention the next time you're around.

Find common ground. Finding things in common with him will give you more chances to put yourself in his line of sight. If you know what activities he's involved in or places he hangs out, consider being there too or getting involved.

Carry yourself with confidence. Be comfortable with who you are. Guys pay attention to girls who are comfortable in any situation. Being confident makes you stand out in a crowd.

Ask him out. It make take some real bravery on your part, but it is guaranteed to make him pay attention. Letting a guy know you're interested is a sure fire way to get his attention. He'll want to know more about you. Maybe he won't immediately take you up on your offer, but he will definitely be thinking about it every time he sees you.

A Closer Look At Sex & Love Addiction

Josh will tell you: He just likes sex! Through high school and college he kept track of the "notches on his belt" but a few decades later the women are just a hazy stream of one night stands. He loves the chase and sometimes even feels pleasure. But when the sex is over he is gone.

He tells himself he's quite a stud but a voice inside asks how long he can keep this up. He swears he's going to stay home and relax tonight but the loneliness gets to him and finally, he decides he will "check out the action" at his favorite bar one more time.

Trina just met the "man of her dreams" a few weeks ago. She invited him to stay with her when his wife threw him out. She's so happy giving him what he needs domestically, financially, and sexually, especially when it's something his wife wouldn't do. She loves knowing that she understands his better than anyone else. That is why she is going to surprise him by taking him out to dinner for his birthday and wear the kind of very revealing dress he really likes.

Normally she wears more conservative clothes because she is uncomfortable being the center of attention. But making him happy is what counts. She leaves work early to swing by his office and give him a ride so he won't have to take the bus. She's thinking about placing an ad to give away her precious Siamese because he has hinted that he doesn't like cats.

What do Josh and Trina have in common? On the surface, very little, but inside they are two lonely people desperate for connectedness in unhealthy and compulsive relationships. Josh and Trina may be sex and love addicts.
What is Addiction to Sex and/or Love?

Although people such as Josh and Trina seem at first glance to be very different--Josh relates superficially to many and Trina wraps herself up intensely in one--they can be thought of as extremes on a continuum. Josh's behavior may be acceptable or even admired for younger men but in someone well into middle age they contradict our cultural expectation of finding a mate and settling down for life. Therefore, his addiction is more readily seen as out of control than is Trina's.

Sexual addiction has been called many other things: compulsive sexual behavior, hypersexuality, or sexual impulsivity. Sex addicts are characterized by a preoccupation with sex, the strong desire for sex, and particularly, a sense of shame due to an inability to control their sexual impulses. Sex addicts cannot identify a time when their compulsion began but there seems to be an agreement that it occurs as a coping response to anxiety.

The psychological world had known for decades what the underlying problem is. As far back as twenty years ago, Barth and Kinder (1987) wrote, "the sexually impulsive individual uses sexual activity as a means of avoiding or escaping from personal problems, social stress, and unpleasant emotions, such as loneliness, boredom, tension, sadness, or anger (p.16)." Their sexual activities can range from intense sexual fantasizing, conventional intercourse, and sexual deviation (of a number of types) to violent criminal behavior. Sex addicts often try to distance themselves from their impulses, that is, from their bodies, their hearts and souls.

They use repression and denial resulting in guilt and shame, social isolation, and other inwardly directed negative emotions. In other words, they try to keep their addiction secret and suffer low self esteem and alienation as a result. Frequently, their sexual addiction is accompanied by drug and alcohol abuse or addiction. Often, as the substance abuse abates, the sexual addiction increases and one set of compulsive behaviors substitutes for another. However, both addictions can be seen as attempts to provide a means of avoiding inner emptiness.

What about Trina? What could be wrong with falling in love, becoming one with your partner, placing your loved one above yourself: Isn't that the stuff of romance? Isn't that what love is all about? Trina and those like her have never experienced genuine nurturing and confuse their partner's neediness with desire. Their relationships are one way to try to experience caring but their care-taking can turn to control. Typically love addicts are Super Co-dependents.

They may have grown up in extremely dysfunctional households where one or both parents were either addicted to something (e.g.,alcohol, drugs, work, gambling, food, etc.), mentally unstable, violent, physically and/or emotionally abusive, or even sexually inappropriate with their children. The result was that the parents were emotionally unavailable to their children and thereby discounted their child's perceptions and needs. Future love addicts often became caretakers of one or both of their dysfunctional parents. In this way they got some of their emotional needs met to feel important or valued.

These kids brought into adulthood a paralyzing fear of abandonment so strong that they would do anything to keep a relationship from breaking up. Used to a lack of love in relationships, they are attracted to partners who are as emotionally unavailable as their parents. They hold hopes of transforming the object of their affection with the power of their love. They stay focused on the loved one and discount their own needs and desires. They take on the blame, guilt, and responsibility for the relationship and keep trying harder and harder to please.

They are willing to suffer and endure pain in hopes of getting their partner to acknowledge and appreciate them in ways their parents never did. People who are kind, respectful, and solicitous of them are found wanting, dull, and lacking in excitement. The love addict becomes restless around persons who might really provide them with genuine caring and nurturing. The love addict's caring turns to control as they try harder and harder to achieve the security they never had in childhood. However, rather than create that idealized fairy tale ending they wish for, they more often recreate the home they were raised in.
Recovering from Sex or Love Addiction

While suggestions for treatment of sex and love addiction differ among varying helping groups and professionals, two major concepts are considered important by all:

1. since love and sex are natural and important parts of human functioning the impulses need to be re-channeled rather than abandoned and
2. full recovery involves developing healthy relationships.

With most addictions, abstinence is a major goal and means to recovery. The alcoholic abstains from drinking; the compulsive gamble stops betting; the addict stops using. Yet, just as the suggestion that compulsive overeaters cease all eating activities would be unrealistic as well as unhealthy, and therefore unwise, the suggestion that sex and love addicts stop partaking of their loving and sexual impulses would be equally unnatural and also unnecessary. Loving and sexual impulses expressed in healthy ways lead to feelings of belonging, positive interactions, and increasing self esteem.

Sex and love addicts have distorted their natural impulses in dysfunctional ways in order to deny their feelings of shame. Therefore, a major goal of recovery is to re-direct and re-channel addictive thoughts and behaviors in order to rediscover their natural loving and sexual impulses and transform their lives.

Developing healthy relationships is vital to recovery from a sex or love addiction. To this end Twelve Step programs modeled after Alcoholics Anonymous serve a valuable purpose. Many sex and love addicts find the acceptance, patience, and structure of a Twelve Step program such as Sex and Love Addicts Anonymous (SLAA) or Co-Dependents Anonymous (CODA) their key to feeling more genuine connectedness with themselves and others. Some find a special friend, mentor, or lover with whom they are able to form a healthy and enduring bond.

Some need more help. A number of people discover that a relationship with a professional therapist with expertise in these issues can be helpful in many situations. A therapist can help them see why they behave in unhealthy ways, can help them identify their unmet needs and find ways of expressing and getting them met, can describe what healthy relationships are like, and can help guide and support recovering addicts as they experiment with new ways of being.

Although sex and love addicts may experience anxiety, loneliness and despair and the road of recovery may seem long and bumpy, they can become healthier in their relationships and lead fuller, more satisfying lives. If you or a loved one need help, get it. Make yourself a priority and attend to this most basic of needs as soon as you can.

Saturday, April 17, 2010

How To Enrich Your Love Life With A Fair Fight

More recently, Dr. John Gottman has argued with research that successful marriages are not fight-free but that instead the positive interactions outnumber the negative ones. He too points out that successful couples evolve a style of fighting that works for them both.
In the spirit of Bach and Gottman, then, I would like to offer the following guidelines for fair fighting. See if you and your loved one can live within these guidelines for a while.
Your loving just might benefit from some fair fights. And remember -- anger is just a feeling.
Rules For A Fair Fight

No violence or aggressive threats.
No name-calling, to include "You are __" statements (e.g., "You are stupid", "You are crazy")
No invoking of the past. Stay focused on the issue at hand.
Stay on topic. Many couples have what I call a "boxcar" argument where they start off on one issue then keep adding boxcars to the train so that finally they cannot remember where the train started.
No fighting after 10PM.
No fighting when either person has been using alcohol.
Use "time-outs" honestly to defuse escalations. When one person fears loss of control. Call time-out. The argument stops there. But the person calling time-out also commits to calling time in after at least 30 minutes.
No blaming. Determining fault usually doesn't change anything.
Acknowledge when feeling defensive.
If you know you are wrong, promptly admit it. Amazing how many couples have trouble with this seemingly obvious rule.
When the argument ends, each person states the solution as understood.
Check for leftover feelings and resentments when the fight is over.
And remember, in a fair fight there are no winners, no right-and-wrong. There are only mutually acceptable solutions.

Good Relationships Start With Love

If you are in a relationship or want to find someone to have a good relationship with just remember a good relationship starts with love. Trying to keep a good relationship with out love will not be a lasting one.

If you have a partnership and have not love, it will not last long. When two people live together for a long time without love you will start to get on their mates nerves. It is hard to be with someone for any length of time and not get into arguments and stay mad at each other.

When you have love it makes things better and helps to get through the tough times. I am not saying you will not have arguments, but with love you will find it easier to makeup and get back to a good life.

Even with love it is hard to stay happy all the time. If you do have the love and do not have the attitude of giving more than you receive you will find you have some problems. Two people that care about each other and want to give to their mate more than they get will find a better life and will be happier.

I am not saying you need to always give in and let your mate have their way. It is just a life of give and take and if one gives all the time and the other always takes it will not be a good relationship.

I have heard the saying give what you want to receive and that is good if you are with someone that is giving and caring, but I have been relationships that no matter how much you give in they always take. If both parties are willing to think of their partner more than they do of themselves it will be a good relationship.

By giving what you want to get back covers a lot of things. If you try to look your best for your love they will find it makes them feel better about your lives together. The little things are very important also like helping each other with the everyday chores around the house. If you have special times to go out to eat, to a movie or things that make you partner happy it makes things so much better.

People that split up and then want to be back with their mate are very unhappy and find getting back together is very hard. Staying with each other is easier than trying to repair your relationship and make up for the things you lost in a broken partnership.

There is some good advice on getting back together and can help a couple that is happy, but think the grass is greener on the other side of the fence.

Lead Him Into Love - Secrets to Help Your Man Fall in Love With You

Have you ever wondered how a woman can lead a man into love? Is there a point in your relationship where you do almost all the work to keep it going, while he is not doing anything at all? Have you felt that too much time and effort was already spent in this relationship but you are not getting the results you wanted? Do not give up yet. Men are not easy to handle but if you know the secrets, you can gently lead him into love. Continue to read on to learn how to help your man fall in love with you.

Old school works

Things were a lot easier for men decades ago. There were no gray areas when looking for that ideal woman. Just look for traits of a good housewife and they go for that type. There are just a few things to worry about. They ask the ladies out on dates because for them, it will never work the other way around. Men chase women and they were experts about it because they set the rules. They would not like it when women pursue them. The relationship should move at the pace they choose. No pressure about it.

Nowadays, women were given power. Do not get it wrong because this is a good thing, but these days, men feel that he is not in control of a relationship because women works faster mentally and emotionally. Women want to speed up the commitment process. The moment she feels that this relationship needs to move up another level, she expects her man to feel the same way about it, so she pushes him to commit. Men at the other hand, does not want to be pushed too fast or too far because he does not want to be forced into something he is not even sure of yet.

Here are the secrets that can help a man fall in love with you.

Put the old school rules in mind and take notice that they had a lot of advantages for they really worked for men then. Use that understanding to gently lead him into love.

1. Start with your looks. Look your best when starting a relationship. He will definitely notice you when you attract his attention.

2. Let him arrange your dates. When it comes to dating, let him be the one to lead. Looking attractive will draw his desire to ask you out.

3. Do not come on too strong at first. Keep it fun and light so he will feel at ease with your company.

4. Let him set the pace of the relationship. It may be slower than yours but he will feel comfortable if he feels he is the one in control.

5. Do not make him feel pressured or insecure. Make it a secure and safe environment for him. He is more likely to open up his emotions when he is not compelled into it.

6. Lastly, be patient. If you feel you wanted to make this relationship work with him, then he is worth waiting for. Give him the luxury of time to find out how he feels about you without pushing him into it.

These secrets may not be acceptable to you, if you are used to being in control and if you are a strong woman. What you are really trying to do here is not to surrender to a man's psychological needs but rather to get the better of it. So in essence, you are still in control and by this, you can gently lead him into love.

Make Him Fall Completely in Love With You - Tips You Thought You Knew

Do you want know how to make a man fall in love with you? Are you with someone you already fall in love with but you do not see him feeling the same way with you? Do you know the steps to get him to fall completely in love with you? You are not alone with this. Women have asked these questions for they are unsure on the subject of making men fall in love. But just read on and you will have him falling in love with you.

First, you need to be truthful to him and to yourself. Do not conceal stuff from him or decline to talk to him about something that is troubling you. If he sense that you cannot rely on him with your emotions then he might initiate getting the thought that you are hiding something from him. You want to continuously have a relationship filled with common dependence. That will get him eager to open up and give out his heart to you.

Be enjoyable. Be the kind of individual, whom you would fancy to spend the remainder of your life with. Be energetic and amusing. By no means allow the relationship go into a boring pothole, that will have him question where the excitement and strong feelings went. If you keep the passion flourishing then he won't be wondering why he should ward off all other ladies out there, he'll be more than happy just trying to carry on with you.

Provide him with his space. You do have your life and he also has his, even supposing you want to spend them together does not suggest that each of you should not have time away from each other. We all enjoy taking some time away from our loved ones to spend with our friends. So the best thing to do is to agree to let him go out and have fun whenever he wants to, without getting resentful or outraged. Let him feel that you do really have faith in him and want him to be content.

Friday, April 16, 2010

Why Every Married Couple Ought To Date

For some reason, many couples find that much of the intrigue and interest in their relationship dwindled after marriage. One reason may be that the effort of pursuit and being pursued as evidenced by dating is no longer a part of the couples’ lives. Dating, at least once a week, will renew the excitement and interest in a marriage.


Before marriage, dating was about pursuing and being pursued. Typically, a man pursued a woman by wooing her and by treating her well within the context of the date. This kept the excitement, interest, intrigue, and mystique in the relationship and served to bring them closer together.

The problem comes after marriage. Suddenly, the husband doesn’t feel the intense need to pursue her anymore. After all, he’s won her—he caught her—so there is a subconscious feeling that there is no need to pursue. Soon enough, tragically, interest begins to wan and that which brought the relationship together is no longer an active part of the marriage.

Dating, for the married couple, will renew much of the interest, intrigue, and mystery that they once held for each other. There was a time when a man used his imagination in the planning of a date, he made time for his girlfriend, and he put his best foot forward to impress her. And it worked. He won her heart and she won his as she responded to his pursuit. If a married couple could get back to that, the marriage will remain much healthier.


Dating reintroduces the pursuit of a woman for a man. When that pursuit is of his wife, it is healthy. It will keep your interest focused on where it ought to be and will assist in stopping the wondering eye.

It is preferable that the husband plans the dates. For a man, planning for something, scheming to bring something to pass is what makes it important to him. I believe that God created man with an innate desire to dominate his environment.

Women, on the other hand, typically want to dominate their relationships. So if the man will plan for the date, prepare for it, he will enjoy watching her reaction to his plans and his created environment. It is part of the pursuit!

A married man is no longer pursuing a woman’s hand in marriage—at least he ought not to be. Now, however, he ought to pursue his wife in other ways, for other reasons. He doesn’t want to lose her affection and interest. Dating, specifically the dates he plans, will pursue this with his wife. She will react to it gladly. Her reactions, hopefully, will fill him with a sense of accomplishment and will serve to rekindle the love and attraction in their relationship.


Most women love to be pursued. To have a man pursue her is, I believe, part of her innate desire to be secure in her relationships. Security for a woman is perhaps one of the most essential elements in her relationships. If a man goes out of his way for her, then that provides her with much needed security.

The date provides a woman with the opportunity to express appreciation and need to her husband that feeds his interest and intrigue. It would be good if the wife wrote a thank you note, or did something special by way of gratitude and appreciation for the date. This will fire his desire and resolve to continue his pursuit of her.

The byplay in dating helps to renew her feelings of being pursued by a man she loves. This, in turn, helps to be more forgiving, less suspicious, and less demanding of her husband when she knows he is indeed pursuing her.

All around, dating is a very important ingredient to a healthy marriage.
Author's Bio
Greg S. Baker is a Pastor, Counselor, and Author specializing in building and strengthening relationships.

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For more books and resources on how to communicate better, express yourself, and strengthen social skills. Check out our book, 'Fitly Spoken', a Christian based book that explores the intricacies of human communication and expression in relationships.

I Want to Find My True Love

Over the years the internet has found a number of uses. Besides being primarily used as a source of information it can be used to search for people. In fact even if you are looking for love, you can now find it on the net.

The following article looks at how someone that is saying; I want to find my true love can go about searching for this person. One thing that you need to know is that a lot of people that find love usually find in the least of expected places. The best way to meet people is if you are where other people are. You cannot sit in the house or office and expect to meet potential partners. You should go out a lot and this just increases the possibility of meeting someone that you like.

By go out a lot I am not referring to clubs and parties. Do not restrict yourself to these places only. They are a whole lot of other social activities that you can take part in as well. Whatever it is that you are interested in you can spend a bit more time doing it with other people. These are just some of the things that I would try if I want to find my true love.

Another thing that you can do is hang out with your friends more often. When you go out get them to bring their girlfriends and their friends as well. It is easier to find love within the same circle of people that you are used to than starting from nowhere.

There are also some online sites and agencies that offer dating services that you can use. Sign up with one or two, send them your profile and when they find a possible match for you they will let you know. That is another thing that I would do if I want to find my true love.

Ways to Make a Man Fall in Love With You! He Will Endless Love For You All the Time From Now

Many women today feel insecure in their relationships. They desperately want their partners to fall madly in love with them. Some women yearn to be able to have the knack of making a guy fall in love with them. These techniques will help you to draw the man attention to you and make him fall in love with you.

Lock eyes with him
This technique sounds cliché but it works. Lock eyes with the guy you like and maintain contact even when the conversation has died down and another person "buts" into the scene. After around 10 seconds you can reluctantly drag your attention away. This will make him terribly interested in you.

Be "sexciting"
Men are instantly attracted to a woman who is sexy. Wear clothes that show off your figure. Take care to wear shoes (high heels are extremely sexy) and accessories that showcase your assets. A beautiful hairstyle and expertly put on makeup will make you look wonderful. He is bound to respond to those looks.

Do nice things for him
This is going to make you feel good as well as make him feel special. A move like this is bound to make him appreciate and love you more. No matter what his feelings are for you at this point, make him realize that you are one in a million - ready to shower him with tender loving care - and he will be hooked!

Highlight your qualities
Show the guy your feminine and sexy side of your personality as well as the sensitive and warm side. Displaying your true character will help him to know you better and decide if you are worth loving or not. It is important to be honest here and make an impression that is favorable.

Impact the man
Timing is of the utmost importance here. Just when emotions are high and the romance is at its peak, it is the time to let him have a taste of your best side. It is during this time that his mind soul and heart will be imprinted with memories that will last a lifetime.

Have "people" skills
Once you achieve these you can easily make him fall in love with you. Learn how to make him feel important, how to approach him in a friendly manner, compliment him and avoid the fights. This is very effective.

Never criticize or complain
No man likes a woman who nags, complains or criticizes. There are gentle and clever ways of telling a man that he is wrong. Always say something that is encouraging and nice. It helps to listen to the man more and talk less.

Pay Close Attention Here-

Now listen carefully! Take 2 minutes to read the next page and you'll discover a stunning trick which will show you- How to Captivate a Man, Make Him Fall in Love with You -- and Give You The World. There is a set of easy to follow psychological tricks which shows any woman how to be irresistible to men. I strongly urge you to read everything on the next page before it's too late and time runs out-

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

100 Ways to Love your Mate

This list of 100 ways to love your mate is designed to be a quick check for you to get ideas on how to continue to show love to your partner. Use these suggestions to maintain and boost your relationship.

100 Ways To Love Your Mate
Hug them.
Write a love note.
Call them at work just to say "Hi."
Give them a foot massage.
Tell them a joke.
Caress them with slow gentle strokes.
Go for a walk with them.
Send them a "happy gram."
Admit your mistakes.
Say: "I love you."
Indulge a whim.
Listen to them talk about an interest of theirs.
Be trustworthy.
Instead of complaining, tell them what you would prefer.
Look at them when you're in a discussion.
Send flowers.
Compliment something they did.
Offer to help.
Ask them to show you how to do something.
Call when you are going to be late.
Take them out to dinner.
Write them a poem about how special they are.
Cut out a cartoon they'll enjoy.
Ask them what they'd like sexually.
Go shopping together.
Take an afternoon drive.
Put your arm around them in front of others.
Take them out on a surprise date.
Do something they want to do.
Plan a candle light dinner.
Look at old photos together.
Serve them breakfast in bed.
Hold hands.
Share sexual fantasies.
Do a work project together.
Rub their back.
Take a shower together.
Carry their photo in your wallet.
Go away together for a weekend holiday.
Kiss them.
Smile more when you look at them.
Go for a bicycle ride together.
Surprise them with "special" attire.
Plan a picnic lunch.
Read something together about how to have a better relationship.
Repeat what they say before answering.
Say "Good morning" first.
Ask if they have a few minutes first before interrupting.
Send them a card.
Surprise them with a gift when it's a non-holiday.
Cook them a favorite meal.
Try a new restaurant.
Ask them how they feel.
Let them know when you are proud of them.
Ask for their opinion.
Turn on some romantic music.
Dedicate a song to them.
Send them a balloon bouquet.
Watch a sunset together.
Play a game together.
Have them teach you something they know.
Tell them they have the night off.
Go to a movie they select.
Ask them for a hug.
Wear some new cologne.
Take them to Bali.
Discuss future plans with them.
Ask if you can help when they look sad.
Ask them about their dreams.
Meet them for lunch.
Enlarge a scenic photo of a place you've shared.
Give them a gift certificate for their favorite store.
Tell them what you like about them.
Buy them a new perfume.
Take them to a scenic spot.
Send them a gourmet gift basket.
Send them a joke card.
Let them know when you've thought of them during the day.
Buy them a toy.
Compliment them to their friends.
Bring them a thirst quenching drink.
Tell them when they look attractive.
Send them a post card.
Invite them to a secret rendezvous.
Give them a massage.
Take a lesson with them.
Look at photos together of when you met.
Plan a vacation with them.
Listen openly to their opposing opinion.
Buy them a new piece of jewelry.
Watch a TV show they like with them
Write them a letter.
Listen to music with them, such as an old favorite.
Whisper sweet nothings in their ear.
Tell them what you like that they do.
Give a head massage.
Invite them to a concert.
Let them know you care.

How to Make a Guy Feel Intense Internal Love For You! Here Are the Tips You Should Follow Today

Making a man fall in love is all about letting him be and do the things that come naturally to him. Understand what makes a man tick and you have what you need to make him fall in love with you.

Men are protectors.Men want to be needed, and protecting you is one way they feel needed. They quickly insert themselves in a situation when it looks like you're in harm's way. So if he stands up for you in a seemingly dangerous situation, make sure he knows you appreciate it. Let him defend you if someone says something rude or disrespectful.

Men are providers. They feel good about themselves when they're able to help in some way. Let him help you carry things or do work that may be too strenuous for you. Ask him to help you fix things that need fixing in your place. Find ways to put him to work helping you. He will feel needed and like he's doing the job he's supposed to.

Men need to feel intelligent.Just like you want to be loved and respected for who you are, so does he. Finding him physically attractive is important to him, but he wants to know you like his brain too. Ask him is opinion on things. Let him know you value his thoughts on topics. Give him a chance to show off his knowledge.

Men like feminine things.Men are in awe of women. They find outward expression of femininity irresistible. Girly things make a man flip his lid. So be sure to show your feminine side. Wear clothes that add a more feminine flare to your appearance. Put on a frilly apron while you cook. Add some soft and shiny nightgowns to your bedtime wardrobe.

Men need reassurances.Men need to occasionally be reassured you prefer them over other guys. Show him you're interested in him and value being with him. One way to do this is to slip into his clothes every now and again. It tells him you find comfort in him and want to feel close to him.

Men like who they are.Men are what they are, and they want to know you're happy with them just as they are. Don't try to make him into something he's not. If you want him, then let him know you don't consider him a fixer-up project.

Men need their space.Allow him to have his own existence away from you. He needs his time with his guy friends, so let him have it. He'll introduce you when he's ready and will ask you along sometimes. Don't try to take over his space or change his apartment or house décor. He likes his life how it is, and will feel smothered if you try to take over all parts of it.

Pay Close Attention Here- Now listen carefully! Take 2 minutes to read the next page and you'll discover a stunning trick which will show you- How to Captivate a Man, Make Him Fall in Love with You -- and Give You The World. There is a set of easy to follow psychological tricks which shows any woman how to be irresistible to men. I strongly urge you to read everything on the next page before it's too late and time runs out-

***The Fast Track to Falling in Love

alling in love does not have to be complicated. Sometimes it is as simple as meeting someone for the first time, falling head over heals in love with them and spending a lifetime together. It can be just that simple!

Several days ago, we interviewed a successfully married couple whose marriage was not all that unusual. Like many we have interviewed in our search for Great Marriages around the world, they had been happily married for a very long time – 38 years to be exact! And they love each other to pieces! Our interview with them was pulsating and delightful.

On the surface, what made this couple unusual was the length of their courtship – three days! They met, they fell in love, and on the third day of their relationship, Bill proposed to Lucy. Shortly thereafter, they got married. This is the stuff of fairytales – or is it?!

Are Bill and Lucy all that unusual? Our experience tells us they are not. People fall in love on a first date all the time. It happens. The difference is couples usually wait longer than three days to propose marriage, but make no mistake about it, many of the thousands of successfully married couples we have interviewed on six continents of the world have reported that they knew they were in love the first time they met.

One of the interview questions on our marriage interview protocol is the following: “When did you know you were in love?” The answer for many is this – “We knew immediately!”

Here is a recent example. Just yesterday, we interviewed a woman who had been married for nearly two decades. It was not a happy marriage. It ended in divorce.

Two decades ago, she married a guy that she knew in her heart was not all he was cracked up to be. On the surface he seemed nice enough, but in the privacy of their home, he was mentally abusive. In his eyes she never did anything right. She was a failure from his perspective. He treated her as a failure for two decades.

The mental abuse continued for her entire marriage. Finally, and thankfully, she declared that she had had enough. She filed for divorce and we believe her decision was the correct one. Some marriages cannot be saved. Make no mistake about that.

When she met her new man at a social event, they both knew immediately that there was something magical about the chemistry between them. It was truly love at first sight.

These are only two of the many stories we have been told over the years of “love at first sight.” This led us to ask this question – “Are there common elements in the stories of those happily married couples who report that they fell in love almost immediately?”

People who have fallen in love at first sight report to us the following:

1. When they entered the same physical space for the first time, they felt tingling all over. They “felt love” when in the presence of this new person in their life, which they had never felt before. They asked themselves this question – “Is this what real love feels like? Love is a feeling that transcends a physical presence.

2. Falling in love at first sight is “emotional.” You smile when you think of the one you have just met. You miss them when they leave the room. These couples report that they know someone better in three days than they have ever known someone else in a lifetime.

3. Falling in love at first sight causes you to want to say, “I love you,” to the person you have just met. Having the desire to express love for another person usually takes time. Wanting to express love in the beginning of a relationship is a sure sign that you are falling in love “at first sight.”

4. When you fall in love at first sight, you are likely to have pre-occupied thoughts about the new love in your life within hours of meeting them. Being fixated on your new lover is a good sign. It is a telltale sign that you love them.

5. Those who fall in love quickly tell us that they worry about their new lover within hours of meeting them for the first time. Being preoccupied with their safety is normal. Calling them to see if they got home okay is routine. You see, an individual who falls in love at first sight senses in their heart that “this is the one.”

6. They reported that their relationship seems almost too easy. There are none of the worries, uncertainties and fears associated with their previous relationships.

7. When couples report falling in love “at first sight” they say that respect, trust and investment in the relationship is mutual. In the relationship both are as committed to making the relationship work and both do the simple things that matter in keeping the relationship strong.

The truth is, it is possible to fall in love for a lifetime within just a few days – sometimes even hours. There is nothing at all weird or unusual about falling in love for a lifetime after only a few days of courtship. It happens all the time with some of the best marriages around the world.

Often times, in the beginning, great love just happens. Sometimes, great love is easy and it is mutual. Love does not have to be complicated. Love does not have to be challenging. Sometimes, love is just right. Sometimes, loving another human being is so very natural.

Simple Things Matter in love and marriage. Love well!

By Dr. Charles D. Schmitz and Dr. Elizabeth A. Schmitz

For more tips to enhance your relationship get the Doctor’s best-selling and multiple-award winning book Building a Love that Lasts: The Seven Surprising Secrets of Successful Marriage (Jossey-Bass/Wiley 2010) Available wherever books are sold.
Winner of the INDIE Book Awards GOLD Medal for Best Relationship Book
Winner of the 2009 Mom’s Choice Awards GOLD Medal for Most Outstanding Relationships and Marriage Book
2009 Nautilus Book Awards Winner for Relationships
Author's Bio
As America’s #1 Love and Marriage Experts and award-winning authors, Drs. Charles and Elizabeth Schmitz help international audiences answer questions about love, marriage and relationships. With 26 years of research on love and successful marriage across six continents of the world and their own 43-year marriage, the Doctors know what makes relationships work.

''Secrets of the Most .....Happy......Beloved..... and Blissful Couples in the World''

My name is Michael Webb. I DON'T have a doctorate in counseling, (although I've studied relationships professionally for over 2 decades) and I DON'T host a radio call in show (but I've been on over 500 as an expert guest)… but I DO have what most other relationship "experts” don’t have…

…a blissful marriage.

Which is why hundreds of men and women ask for my relationship advice and have done so for 15 years now.

In fact, this may surprise you but my wife Athena and I have never even had a fight in our 20 years of marriage. Yes, it's true.

Of course I know …this sounds bizarre, even impossible but in a moment I'll explain exactly how this was possible. And more importantly, how it's possible for you.

You see, I grew up in a family with 6 sisters. And in my lifetime I've seen them abused by the various men in their lives. Even my mother has the scars from two unsuccessful marriages.

After witnessing this for too long, I decided be the sort of husband my mom and sisters had dreamed of but never had.

I studied relationships for a long time, took good notes on what things blissful couples do differently than those who have the typical relationship full of ups and downs.

(By the way, nearly all "relationship" books focus on what couples are doing wrong. I'll let you know what couples are doing right.)

Several years later, I released my first book, The Romantic's Guide, which went on to become a national bestseller. It was released in February 2000 and is already in its 10th printing.

From there, things started to go crazy as the media started hounding me for interviews left, right and center.

Monday, April 12, 2010

Ways to Boost Your Sexual Confidence …

Being sexually confident sounds easy, but it can be such hard work… what do you do if you just don’t feel that confident? According to the friends I’ve been talking to recently, more and more people are becoming too shy to enjoy sex, and that isn’t what we want! So I’ve done some research, and here are my top seven ways to boost your sexual confidence.

If you aren’t feeling confident, don’t avoid the bedroom and hide on your side of the bed. Instead, fake it! Spend some time making yourself feel good, and then picture yourself as a confident, sexy woman and surprise your man… You’ll feel much better for it, and it’ll begin to boost your confidence

It doesn’t matter how beautiful, funny, clever or wifey you are once you are in bed. It’s just irrelevant! If the person who is with you has a good time, they will remember you as being beautiful, sexy and amazing, whether they are a one night stand or a long term partner, so stop worrying about what they think and start walking with confidence!

Build sexual tension! If you give in to your desires and urges straight away, you miss out on all the anticipation and teasing that are sure to make you feel wanted and boost your confidence. Be cool and calm, and let the tension build!

Ways to Deal With Your Ex Issues …

Everyone hates break ups, but they are made ten times worse if you are struggling to keep your past boyfriends in check! It seems I’ve always got a friend who hasn’t let go, can’t say no or is having some other ex catastrophe, so here are my top ten tips for dealing with your exes, so you can spend more time finding Mr. Right!

How to Make Your Marriage Affair-Proof

We’ve all heard it before: horror stories of married couples breaking off their supposedly permanent relationships because one party had an affair.

What if you have been trying your best to make your marriage work? Is there really a foolproof way to ensure that you or your husband would not be having an affair?

Continue reading ‘How to Make Your Marriage Affair-Proof’

A COY Hugh Jackman has revealed more details of what it was like to film steamy love scenes with Nicole Kidman for Australia.

Jackman told today that it was easy to film, and their spouses were not on set while the romantic scenes were shot.

Gallery: The filming of Australia Gallery: Australia's leading lady Nicole Kidman Biography: Nicole Kidman Gallery: Australia's leading man Hugh Jackman Australia invades Tinseltown Special section: Australia the movie

Start of sidebar. Skip to end of sidebar.
Related CoverageAustralia ... the movie Daily Telegraph, Hugh's heavenly body Daily Telegraph, Australia's our third biggest Daily Telegraph, 20 Jan 2009
Nic, Hugh's secret Xmas plans Daily Telegraph, 10 Dec 2008
Aussies make Australia No.1 Daily Telegraph, 1 Dec 2008
.End of sidebar. Return to start of sidebar.
"My wife is an actor," Jackman, 40, said.

"They both get it. But I don't think they want to be on the set watching the monitor."

Still, filming love scenes with Kidman, 41, "couldn't have been better or easier," he says. "We spoke of setting boundaries."

"I won't tell all the nitty gritty," he says coyly. "But (director Baz Luhrmann) treats love scenes like choreography. The camera is like a dancer. If you watch any of his movies, visually, the love scenes are like poetry."

Love Advice

Love brings euphoria in life. Love can give great satisfaction and enjoyment forever. For that to happen, you have to understand more about what is love, your own expectations and how to get the partner with whom you can live in love. Love can also destroy. Read all about it and more in this section devoted to love and romance. Become a success in love.

Creating A Romantic Setting
Creating a romantic setting takes your love a long way indeed. You can create a romantic setting in your home/bedroom with aromatic or plain candles, frangrant incense sticks, soft and romantic music, a bottle of champagne, etc. Change your furnishings like sofa covers, bedsheets, pillow covers, etc. Purchase colorful covers instead. Choose colors like yellow, [...]

How To Treat Your Partner The Right way?
Treat the other person like you wish to be treated. Think back and find out all that you have spoken during last one week to your partner.

Winning Your Love Back
Do you want to win your love back? Are you sad that your partner has broken up and do you want their love again? My advice is that unless you are very sad do not try that. If you think that life is becoming difficult without your partner then let us see what you can do.

Do You Think You Are In Love?
When we are in love the world looks different. Everything looks good. We look at the world differently then those who are not in love.

Understanding Feelings
Feelings are a very powerful tool we have to be happier. Many times we come to the break-up of a relationship we are unable to understand why we did not anticipate that.

Romance And Romantic Thoughts
Being in love is one of the greatest feelings. It is exhilarating. It is a dream, which come true for few of us. If you have not professed your love, how will the person you love know that you love him/her?

Does Your Partner Have Same Values As You?
In every relationship, problems occur when there is a clash of values. Both the partners may not share the same values and that…

Why Two People Love Each Other?
Why do two people love each other? Why do we need someone to love? Why cannot we love ourselves and exist alone?

Why Lovers Hurt Their Beloved Most?
A lover, who claims to love, can never hurt his/her beloved. Love demands that you care utmost for your beloved. You are concerned about their feelings.

Why Does Love Drive People Crazy?
If you talk to two persons - one who has never felt love, and other who is deeply in love, you will find them

Kate Winslet's Husband Directs "Weird" Leonardo DiCaprio Love Scenes

In this image released by Paramount Vantage, Leonardo DiCaprio, left, and Kate Winslet are shown in a scene from, "Revolutionary Road." (AP Photo/Paramount Vantage, Francois Duhamel) Get Breaking News Alerts
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CommentsNEW YORK — It was more than a little awkward for Kate Winslet to film sex scenes with Leonardo DiCaprio in front of husband Sam Mendes, who directed the stars in the upcoming drama "Revolutionary Road."

"I just kept saying, `This is too ... weird,'" Winslet tells Entertainment Weekly magazine. "And Leo was like, `Oh, get over it.' And I'm going, `Yeah, a little reminder: You're my best friend. He's my husband. This is a bit weird.'"

Mendes, who directed "American Beauty" and "Road to Perdition," says, "I will admit it was quite bizarre to direct my wife in how to make love. But it's difficult whether you're married to a person or not."

It's been 11 years since Winslet and DiCaprio co-starred in the Oscar-winning blockbuster "Titanic," and Winslet says a spark remains between them.

"I hadn't realized how much my chemistry with him since `Titanic' would still stick," says the 32-year-old actress. "It's great to discover we can just slip right into it, like muscle memory."

They play suburban couple Frank and April Wheeler in "Revolutionary Road," based on Richard Yates' 1961 novel. It is slated for release in December, just in time for Oscar consideration.

"We knew that if we were going to do something again, it had to be something big and emotional," Winslet says. "`Revolutionary Road' is so painful and beautiful to read, simply because of the brutality of the honesty that Frank and April end up experiencing together."

Winslet was eager to bring DiCaprio on board, and set up a sneaky way to do it: She arranged a meeting with the 33-year-old actor in March 2007, but sent Mendes in her place.

"Leo and I have such a history together and I couldn't imagine not being able to apply that to this story and these characters," she says. "So I played this very clever cat-and-mouse game to get my husband and then my best friend involved."

How Do I Know if I’m in Love?

“Love is a feeling you feel when you feel you’re feeling a feeling you never felt before.”

Sounds profound, doesn’t it? I quoted it for years until I thought about the first time I received an electric shock. That was a feeling I’d never felt before, but I’ll guarantee you it wasn’t love!

Joe's latest book: Becoming One
Buy it online!
The problem with the word love is that we use it to apply to so many emotions or situations that we sometimes don’t know what it means. So what is it? What is this thing called love?

Dr. Robert Sternberg at Yale University probably defines it best. He says that love consists of three components: 1) decision/commitment; 2) intimacy; and 3) passion. When all three strongly exist in our feelings for another person, he says that we feel consummate love for that person. What do these components mean?

Decision/Commitment has both a short-term and long-term dimension. The short-term dimension occurs when we consciously decide that we love someone. The long-term dimension occurs when we commit to maintain that love. Interestingly, some evolve into commitment without ever consciously deciding to do so.
Intimacy means closeness, connectedness, warmth, and bondedness. It has to do with understanding each other, accepting each other, and having open and intimate communication with each other.
Passion is physical attraction, sexual desire, and other strong emotional attraction to another person.
These three components of love were recognized in the time of Jesus. Commitment corresponds to agape found in passages like Matthew 5:44. Intimacy corresponds to philia found in passages like Titus 2:4. And Passion corresponds to eros. Dr. Sternberg didn’t find anything new in his research; he simply quantified how these components measure love.
So what does this mean to you?

Love consists of three components: 1) decision/commitment; 2) intimacy; and 3) passion.
I constantly hear people say things like, “I’m not sure if I love my husband,” or “I don’t know if my husband loves me.” Well, you can know. Instead of trying to measure an undefined, intangible feeling, try to understand how each of the three components exists in your marriage. The best way to do that is to have a revealing conversation with your spouse. The following exercise isn’t foolproof, but it may give each of you insight into the love in your relationship. You must do the exercise together and you must be completely honest.

Each spouse describes/defines what commitment means to him or her.
Using the spouse’s definition, each person rates his or her commitment to the other on a scale of one to ten. Be sure to explain the rating chosen.
Each person then answers this question: How satisfied am I with the levels of commitment we each have?
Each spouse describes/defines what intimacy means to him or her.
Using the spouse’s definition, each person rates his or her feelings of intimacy for the other on a scale of one to ten. Be sure to explain the rating chosen.
Each person then answers this question: How satisfied am I with the levels of intimacy we each feel?
Each spouse describes/defines what passion means to him or her.
Using the spouse’s definition, each person rates his or her feelings of passion for the other on a scale of one to ten. Be sure to explain the rating chosen.
Each person then answers this question: How satisfied am I with the levels of passion we each feel?
Now, together evaluate the love you feel and decide what each of you can do to develop more commitment, intimacy, and passion.
It may take you an evening or two to complete the exercise, but if you do, you’ll likely have a clearer picture of your love for each other. You may wish to visit the Family Dynamics web site to complete Dr. Sternberg’s questionnaire designed to measure the three components as they exist in your relationship.

If you don’t like everything you hear from each other, don’t panic. We’ll show you how to make love grow, no matter what you feel for each other right now. I guess that would sound arrogant except for the fact that at Family Dynamics we’ve seen it happen with thousands of marriages.

This week try to get an understanding of how much love you have. Next week we’ll show you how to begin making that love grow to ecstatic proportions.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Man Woman Relationship

Love is the most beautiful feeling that has been created by God and the basic foundation of a relation that exists between a man and a woman is love. A Man Woman Relationship is the most beautiful relationship on this earth but there are many people who do not hesitate to insult this relationship. It should also be noted that the relationship that a man and a woman share is not devoid of complexities. Therefore to have a successful Man Woman Relationship one needs to reflect on the various aspects that are associated with the relationship of love. This article deals with Man Woman Relationship that exists between couples.
Given here are some tips that you can take into consideration if you want to experience a healthy and successful Man Woman Relationship, which are:

Causes of love between man and woman ?

The "cause of love" between a man and a woman is the absence of ego
as soon as ego is dissolved or replaced by divine true love
then love between man and woman starts to dwell eternally

like when you dig a hole into ground to remove all dirt covering the water
the removal of ego only will occur as a result of active work and active spiritual progress. ego never disappears on its own
ego needs to BE dissolved by active conscious action which first of all require a clear decision FOR love under all circumstances in eternal life

The Truth About Intimate Relationships Between a Man and a Woman

Developing a strong, stable, and successful relationship with a woman takes lots of hard work and time. It requires sacrifice and sometimes it can even cause a lot of pain.

Yet, once you reach the pinnacle of success with a thriving, successful relationship you get to know and be with someone with whom you get to share a type of intimacy that very few ever get to truly experience.

However, most relationships don't even make it out of the beginning stages because most people don't even have a good and healthy reason to be in a relationship let alone know what they are in a relationship for.

People like to say that they are in a relationship because they are in Love and want to spend the rest of their lives together; yet, most relationships have at least one person in it because of fear.

Love (attraction) many times in the beginning isn't a conscious choice and for a relationship to thrive at some point it must become a conscious choice of two people deciding to choose too love.

Yet, relationships based on love (attraction) have a foundation full of pleasure. As long as the attraction is strong the love will continue to survive. When the attraction is gone or a stronger attraction in someone else arises the Love will die and someone will be left with the decision of either ending the relationship or simply letting it survive.

What is the truth about Relationships?

In the end there can only be two types of relationships one that survives and one that thrives.

A relationship that survives is one in which the love is dead and the happiness that they each used to share but they continue on just the same.

A relationship that thrives is one in which each has known each other on a very intimate level and continue to make each other better and better.

Teddy Shabba is a Dating Coach for Men and creator of Dating Advice and Tips for Men which provides an abundance of information for men on dating and more. If you would like more information on how to attract, seduce and meet women sign up for the Teddy Shabba Dating Advice Newsletter for Men today.

Four Types of Bonds of Love Between Man and Woman

1. Physical Bonds: The Basic Instinct

The most primitive and fundamental for of love between male and female is due to the differences in their body. The physical designs are complementary to each other which attracts towards each other. People get satisfaction and pleasure in the company of the person of the opposite sex. Even touch of hand is pleasurable and transmits energy and love. The reason seems to be chemical as the body shows increased flow of body fluids and chemicals when the physical bonding between male and females takes place.

The physical bonding between boy and girl is expressed by Tina Turner is one of the song "What's Love Got To Do With It" that captured te imagination of billions of people all over the world in the eighties.

You must understand
That the touch of your hand

Physical Bonding is the oldest and most fundamental form of love that exits between man and woman. Prostitutions are considered to be the oldest profession of the world that humanity discovered to tap this attraction between male and female.

2. Mental Bonds: Friendship

While the animals find only the physical bonding between the opposite sexes as they fail to raise much above the physical level, male with their increased mental faculty found another form of boding that binds males and females. This bond also exists between the members of same sexes.

Friendship is found between the people having complementary thoughts. In the words of Mencius

"Friendship is one mind in two bodies."
The mind of every person desires to know what it does not know so as to make itself whole. That knowledge may be living with someone elses mind. The friendship stems from the desire of two people to share their thoughts so that their minds grow and become complete.

The mind of male and females are as complementary as their bodies. Thus every man finds a different way of looking at the world, when he sees the worlds through the eyes of the woman. Thus a man who has good friendship with women is the epitome of "goodness" as his mind is fully grown up. On the contrary, the people who does not have friends in the member of opposite senses, are truly evil without doubt as their view is extremely unbalanced. All dictators and despots never had friendship with women and the list includes Hitler, Stalin and Mao though they had physical bonding with the women. Hence their minds were never truly evolved. The mind of a person can have the satisfaction, tranquility and peace only if it has friends in the members of opposite sex.

3. Emotional Bonding: The Feeling of Love

The most beautiful and powerful relationship that exits between the male and female is emotional. All emotions spring automatically in people due to the desire of souls to become one. The souls of a man and woman are complementary to each other as they originate from the same source. This is not only a philosophical truth but also a physical truth. Hence they always aspire to meet each other so as to balance each other like the opposite electrical charges or magnets of opposite poles.

The emotional bonding between a man and a woman is often so powerful that people even sacrifice their lives or kill themselves in their attempt to become one. Love is often called the fetal attraction as it is responsible for most of the crimes of this world.

Love is like a chemical reaction that transforms the souls of man and woman. People in love are changed from their core due to the transformation of their soul just like hydrogen and oxygen loses their identity when they combine to make the drop of water.

Love alone brings peace and happiness in the life of people which can not be bought with all the wealth of the world.

4. Spiritual Bonding: God in All

Man and woman also share the highest level of spiritual bonds with each other. The spiritual relationship is based on the non-physical relationship between the people. In this type of relationship, people have no expectation from each other as they all seems to merge their identity with God or Holy Spirit that is the origin of all entities of the universe.

The spiritual or nonphysical bonding exists between the people of opposite sexes in many forms. It is manifested in the form of love to mother, love to children, love to siblings and at later stage of the life even between the love of spouse. Spiritual love is the final stage of love between every person when the bonding evolves to its highest level. The seed of this love is always present in the person and it is first manifested in the child with his or her love of mother. Gradually all other forms of love diminish and only the spiritual love remains in the most evolved human beings in this world like Jesus, Buddha or Gandhi. This form of love is truly selfless and unconditional.

Monday, April 5, 2010

11 Things Men love About Women

Do you really know exactly what men love about women? This type of knowledge is always important in getting the man that you want. Why not take the time to educate yourself better about, what exactly a man loves about love. In a whole all men pretty much look for these similar things. Don’t let yourself get caught on a date with a guy you really want to keep but, don’t know how to get him to absolutely love you!
1. Don’t be Afraid to Lose the Make- Up:
Ladies be aware that you don’t need make up for a guy to think you’re beautiful. It is actually a turn off when a girl wears too much makeup. The reason is that guys enjoy natural beauty better then a face full of foundation. Not wearing make up in front of your man and in public show guys that you a confident, beautiful women. And that’s something that guys look for. Remember a guy is in his basic instinct is looking for a mate. And who wants a women who is overly self conscious and full of make up all the time.
2. Great Cook:
This isn’t meant to say that all women should be good at cooking. But if you can cook your man his favorite food he will never go anywhere else. A girl who is a good cook has a great tool at her disposal. Nothing is better then using this tool to you advantage. Set up a special night every week were you cook for your man. Make sure to make it romantic with table setting and ambiance. Make this a weekly occurrence and even get him evolved in the kitchen as your sue Chief.
3. Amazing Driver
I know this seems very insignificant, but to any man a woman who is a great driver is a turn on. I’m not advising you to get your license taken away by the Police. I’m just saying that a girl who is a confident driver will turn a guy on. It’s a confidence thing, and even though some men may act as if they have enough confidence for the two of you. If you not confident in every day actions, he will get cocky. So tear up a race track or just become a better driver. A big added bonus is a girl who can drive a stick shift car. Nothing beats that.
4. She Shows her Shoulders and her Neck:
Always remember to try to show skin, but not in the wrong areas. The most attractive skin to show is your neck and shoulders. Exposing your shoulders and upper chest with a tasteful tank top makes your man want more. Showing skin on your upper body is a tasteful and hot way to tell your man your want him to think of you naked.
5. That Look!:
A quick and easy way to get a man to stop in his tracks is to give him that look. The look I’m talking about is that quick flirty, suggestive look. It is a perfect way to freeze an image of you face into any man. If you don’t think you look is up to standards practice on your girlfriends or a close male friend. If this technique is mastered there is no stopping you.
6. Lip Gloss:
A nice quick thing that guys love is when a girl puts lip gloss on her lips. When she puckers her lips closes her eyes. The guy is only thinking one thing, when is he going to kiss her.
7. PDA’s Go A Long Way:
Don’t think that your man doesn’t want you to display love and affection all the time. Guys may not admit it but they love holding hands, hugging, and little pecks on the cheek.
8. Don’t be Afraid to Curse:
No one likes a potty mouth, but when a girl never breaks her good girl image it’s a negative. If you have an outburst every once and a while and drop an F bomb not in the direction of your man. It will show him that you’re not afraid to turn it up.
9. Dressing Down:
Nothing is better then seeing you girl in a pair of sweet paints and a tee shirt. Its makes him know that your comfortable with him and yourself. And guys like to do nothing better then watch TV on the couch with there girl all cozy in sweet paints.
10. Blow His Mind:
This one takes some time. Be observant of what your man talks about. Pick up on something that he really wants to do. Whether its going to a place he has never been before. A new Sex position or fantasy. Or a new hobby he has been dieing to try. And without his knowledge make that dream come true. He will always remember that you paid attention to his thought and made one of them come true. He will be failing all over himself trying to make it up to you.
11. Go to the Gym:
When a guy knows that his woman goes to the Gym, it turns him on. It shows your man that you care about how you look. And it makes him try harder to impress you because he knows you’re trying to look better and better. You also can use it as an excuse to prance around in your tight gym outfit.


When a man loves a woman
Can't keep his mind on nothin' else
He'd trade the world
For a good thing he's found
If she is bad, he can't see it
She can do no wrong
Turn his back on his best friend
If he puts her down

When a man loves a woman
Spend his very last dime
Trying to hold on to what he needs
He'd give up all his comforts
And sleep out in the rain
If she said that's the way
It ought to be

When a man loves a woman
I give you everything I've got (yeah)
Trying to hold on
To your precious love
Baby please don't treat me bad

When a man loves a woman
Deep down in his soul
She can bring him such misery
If she is playing him for a fool
He's the last one to know
Loving eyes can never see

Yes when a man loves a woman
I now exactly how he feels
'Cause baby, baby, baby
I am a man
When a man loves a woman