Tuesday, April 13, 2010

''Secrets of the Most .....Happy......Beloved..... and Blissful Couples in the World''

My name is Michael Webb. I DON'T have a doctorate in counseling, (although I've studied relationships professionally for over 2 decades) and I DON'T host a radio call in show (but I've been on over 500 as an expert guest)… but I DO have what most other relationship "experts” don’t have…

…a blissful marriage.

Which is why hundreds of men and women ask for my relationship advice and have done so for 15 years now.

In fact, this may surprise you but my wife Athena and I have never even had a fight in our 20 years of marriage. Yes, it's true.

Of course I know …this sounds bizarre, even impossible but in a moment I'll explain exactly how this was possible. And more importantly, how it's possible for you.

You see, I grew up in a family with 6 sisters. And in my lifetime I've seen them abused by the various men in their lives. Even my mother has the scars from two unsuccessful marriages.

After witnessing this for too long, I decided be the sort of husband my mom and sisters had dreamed of but never had.

I studied relationships for a long time, took good notes on what things blissful couples do differently than those who have the typical relationship full of ups and downs.

(By the way, nearly all "relationship" books focus on what couples are doing wrong. I'll let you know what couples are doing right.)

Several years later, I released my first book, The Romantic's Guide, which went on to become a national bestseller. It was released in February 2000 and is already in its 10th printing.

From there, things started to go crazy as the media started hounding me for interviews left, right and center.

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